
Redsky 5e - A Science-Fantasy Total Conversion Book

Created by Solar Studios

A 5e conversion with new sentients, mechanics, monsters, and rich lore. All set inside a science-fantasy worldship. Shipping is not included for all physical items, and will be charged later when the items are ready to ship.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

An Adventure and Updated Docs! We've Gone to Print!
about 2 years ago – Sun, Oct 02, 2022 at 02:38:15 PM

Hey backers! This will be a quick update, we just wanted to let you know about a couple things.

It's been a busy couple weeks while we got together our final edits, much of it based on your feedback. Everybody who let us know about any errors you spotted, thank you so much!

Down to business: there are updated versions of the Core Book and Core Rules that you can download. These are the final versions, and the changes to the Core Book include:

  • Notable revisions to the Nightrider and the World chapters.
  • Stat block cleanup, including some previously missing data.
  • Dozens of tweaks and edits across the book for clarity and content.
  • A full index/glossary of Redsky world terms.

Additionally, our first adventure, Into the Shieldwoods, is also available to download through Backerkit. The download is a zip file with the PDF and all the maps you need to run the game!

Finally, we want you to know that we have submitted our files to our printer PrintNinja for processing! This is the first step in delivering the hardcover to you all, and we'll keep you updated as things develop. We can't wait to get the Core Book into your hands!

Look forward to more information about our next adventure and VTT support coming soon.


The Core Book PDF - Launching Tonight!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 08:08:58 AM

The Core Book PDF is Launching!

The Solar Studios team is proud to release the Core Book PDF for Redsky 5e to every eligible backer today (9/13/22)at around 8-9 PM EST.

This is the end result of years of work. A truly exciting journey awaits you inside these pages. 

Mundi, the Azure Jewel. Redsky will be in your inboxes this evening.

Alongside this release is an updated Core Rules document to match! This one is labelled 1.2, so you can easily determine if you have the latest version.

Next week we will be releasing our first official adventure: Into the Shieldwoods! This next week is the perfect time to get familiar with the Core Book and assemble your party before you head into the Shieldwoods! 

The Road Ahead

Following the release of our first adventure, we will be sending the Core Book PDF to our manufacturer for printing. If you find any typos in the book over the next week or so,  or have any other feedback, please send an email to Brandon ([email protected]) or let us know in the Redsky Discord server. 

The world of Dema awaits. Where will you go first?

Due to the small size of our team, official VTT support had to wait until after the release of the Core Book. Now that it's done, we'll be getting underway on VTT support and will have more updates for you in the coming months!

Don't forget to join us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. We hope you have as much fun exploring Dema and telling the stories you want to share as we did building your world-sized toolkit.

From Brandon, Alex, Ken, Matt, and Tyler, 

Thank you for sharing this journey with us.


Release Date for the Core Book PDF! (And Other News)
about 2 years ago – Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 10:39:03 AM

Hey backers! Brandon here on behalf of the Redsky team. We're proud to announce that we will be releasing the Core Book PDF to you all on Tuesday, September 13th! The release is right around the corner, so get ready!

What does that mean for the hardcover Core Book? After about a week of the PDF being released (let us know if you catch any spelling or grammar errors!) we will be sending the book to our manufacturer for printing. It will take 7-10 weeks to print and ship to our distribution partner, and we'll be shipping it straight to you from there. Here's a handy breakdown:

Redsky fulfillment timeline

We know it's been a longer wait than expected, and we greatly appreciate your patience while we bring this project to fruition. None of it would have been possible without your help, and we'll be sending you a book that we are immensely proud of.

Details on the Core Book

For those of you who want the nitty gritty: All the pieces of the Core Book are in place. The lore team has undertaken the final reading and has sent out the chapters to beta readers. The art and layout team are adjusting some final pieces and applying last brushstrokes. We are working on a glossary and index as well. Everything is getting a layer of polish before we declare our work finished.

The Core Book is going to weigh in at about 350 pages when we include the index. Some of the chapters will include familiar bits from the SRD, which are included so you can have all the information you need to play in one book. There are 7 chapters which are wholly about the lore and world of Redsky for you to dive into. If you've seen the Core Rules PDF then you'll know about the entire chapters dedicated to exploration and social interaction, as well as the one dedicated to our all-original Elements system that replaces Alignment. 

Redsky Combat preview page
Familiar sections of the SRD are supplemented with our additions, such as the Sprint and Bypass actions
Redsky Element preview
The Aether Element represents your character valuing ordered society and community

Adventures and VTT Support

Our first adventure, which will release concurrently with the Core Book PDF, is called Into the Shieldwoods! This is a revised and updated version of the adventure used in our second playtest, and all backers will be receiving it for free. There will also be a new adventure that we're targeting to release alongside the Core Book's delivery in December. We'll have more details about that soon.

Currently, Virtual Tabletop support is only available via our custom Discord bot, Terminarch. We're targeting Roll20, Shard Tabletop, and Foundry for our next round of VTT support, which will be rolling out in the months after the Core Book PDF is released.

That's all for now! Don't forget to check us out on Facebook and Instagram,  where you can get snippets of lore and dev updates from us more frequently. Once again, thank you all for your support and patience.

- Brandon and the Redsky Team

Backerkit Surveys and the Core Rules 1.1
about 2 years ago – Fri, Aug 12, 2022 at 08:00:37 AM

Hey everybody! Three things we wanted to make you aware of:

  • Backerkit Surveys will be going out tonight! 
  • There's a 1.1 update to the Core Rules available!
  • Progress on the Core Book

 Backerkit Surveys

To use Backerkit's built-in distribution system, we have to send out the surveys! For those of you with physical rewards, this includes entering your credit card information for shipping, though we will NOT charge you immediately. We will charge the cards closer to the ship date of the actual book, when we've placed the order and they're on their way from the factory.  

When you finish the survey, you'll be able to click a "Get Your Digital Downloads" button and get the latest version of the Core Rules.

The Backerkit survey button to get digital downloads.
Click this button at the end of your Backerkit survey to get the Core Rules!

Core Rules Update

There were some rough edges when we sent out the Core Rules last week. We've got a fresh version for you, with a lot of small grammar and phrasing fixes, an updated Credits page, layout improvements, and a couple small Emissary tweaks. This is the version currently hosted on Backerkit! We don't anticipate doing many more of these updates, though it's possible there will be one more released alongside the final Core Book.

Snapshot of a Core Rules page featuring the Allspawn.
The Allspawn wants you to play Redsky.

The Core Book

What news about the Core Book? Well, we've recently crossed the 300 page mark! It's looking like the final product will be around 325 pages. All of the lore entries you are waiting for have been finished, and we'll be sending these out to beta readers next week! Currently we are putting the final touches on the last piece of the whole puzzle: the chapter that introduces you to Dema and the world of Redsky. A hard month of review and final layout is ahead of us, but it will certainly be worth it.

Don't forget to check us out on Facebook and Instagram,  where you can get snippets of lore and dev updates from us more frequently. Thank you all for your support and patience. You can look forward to more updates about our progress, VTT support, and the first adventure later this month.

- Brandon and the Redsky Team

Sending out the Core Rules!
about 2 years ago – Sat, Aug 06, 2022 at 10:31:47 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.