
Redsky 5e - A Science-Fantasy Total Conversion Book

Created by Solar Studios

A 5e conversion with new sentients, mechanics, monsters, and rich lore. All set inside a science-fantasy worldship. Shipping is not included for all physical items, and will be charged later when the items are ready to ship.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A Note About Add-Ons
over 3 years ago – Tue, May 25, 2021 at 08:20:31 PM

About the Add-Ons

Hello, backers! Brandon here from Solar Studios. I just wanted to draw your attention to something I noticed while reviewing our backer pledges, and hopefully clear up some confusion. People who pledged at the Eldertech ($100) and Overseer ($200) tier have often chosen to purchase a Standee Pack on top of their pledge.

If you have pledged at those tiers, you ALREADY get one Standee Pack in your Bundle, without having to pay extra. If you want the an additional pack, that's great! But it seems Kickstarter offers you the add-on without regarding what's already included in your pledge. I wanted to make sure that anybody who accidentally purchased a Standee Pack while pledging at one of the higher tiers isn't paying extra for something they don't want.

Another brief note: many of you have asked about getting additional add-ons, such as extra pins, or the GM screen added to the Hardcover Bundle. We chose not to offer those items immediately because it vastly complicates the shipping and fulfillment strategy. However, soon we will be able to afford a better fulfillment provider that can handle complex package management! As soon as we are able to do so, we will make additional pin packs and the GM screen available as add-ons. Also, you'll be able to get an extra book if you want multiple copies!

We're getting close to $30,000! Please share our Kickstarter with your friends if you haven't done so already! This has been a very exciting time for all of us at Solar Studios.

Friends of the Kickstarter

We've already made some new friends while doing this project. The first of them is Midnight Tower, who reached out to us before we even launched! They have an amazing-looking Kickstarter ending in a little less than two days, a 5e adventure trilogy called The Prophecy of Nine Omens, available in hardcover, softcover, and digital versions. You should head over and give it a look!

250% Funding - New Stretch Goal Unlocked!
over 3 years ago – Sat, May 22, 2021 at 01:14:12 PM

Hi everyone!  

Redsky just passed $25,000 raised! We wanted to share the good news as soon as possible. This means an exclusive GM Screen has been unlocked for all of our higher tier backers. 

We hope you enjoy this journey we are taking together. If you are following the campaign but have yet to back, now is the time to get involved! The next unlocked stretch goal is the inclusion of Custom Sharp Edge Resin Dice for all Eldertech and Overseer backers. These dice are made of premium materials that will make your collections stand out.  

Some backers have suggested including additional hardcover books as an optional add-on. We are looking into the logistics of this, but would love to be able to add additional books per order. If you have any other suggestions, we would love to hear your feedback.  

Thank you again for the rapid speed we are climbing at. Your support is the beginning of wonderful times to come.

200% Of Our Goal and Rising!
over 3 years ago – Thu, May 20, 2021 at 11:29:41 AM

Hey everybody! The momentum keeps going. Now that we’ve crossed $20,000, we have officially unlocked Virtual Tabletop Support for the Redsky core rules! Our co-founder Brandon is a software developer, and he will personally be working on the bulk of the integration work with various platforms.

Our main targets are Roll20, Foundry, and Fantasy Grounds, as well as the Discord bot Avrae. The level of support will vary depending on the capabilities of the platform, but we intend to be as fully integrated as possible. Platform support should be available on the date the book ships or very shortly afterward! If you want support for a platform that isn’t listed here, feel free to reach out to the team and we will be happy to investigate further.

We’re looking forward to unlocking the GM screen at $25,000! Also, at $30,000 we will unlock additional artistic upgrades for the core book. This artwork will also likely make its way into the modules we will be making available on the virtual tabletop platforms, so everybody will benefit even if you’re not getting the hardcover!

Thank you so much again to all of our enthusiastic backers. Remember to share with your friends and let’s keep pushing it up!

- The Redsky Team

P.S. While we originally planned for only a tiny number of Overseer Editions to be possible to make relative to the regular hardcovers, due to vastly exceeding our funding goal, and the unexpected overwhelming demand, we're happy we are now able to increase the number available. These are still ultra exclusive based on how rapidly the Redsky community is growing. Our Overseer backers have ensured there is a bright future for this franchise. Remember to keep an eye out shortly after the fundraiser ends for your way to opt-in to having your name in the credits of the book!

Thank you all for the overwhelming support
over 3 years ago – Wed, May 19, 2021 at 11:06:28 AM

We’re looking forward to the next 29 days, but today is going to be a memory our tiny indie dev team will treasure forever. We were prepared to need the full 30 days to raise $10,000 for our Kickstarter fundraiser. 

Well, we were 100% funded in the first 90 minutes!  This is all a bit hard to believe. We are humbled and grateful for the outpouring of support. Attention is growing so fast that we’ve already unlocked the first two stretch goals! We will be able to commission even more high-quality artwork to liven up our world, and backers in the higher tiers will get their choice of an enameled pin representing one of the Redsky elements!

You'll be hearing from us again soon as we take all this in and unlock more stretch goal tiers in the days to come. Don't worry, we have a solid roadmap in place for what to do with the extra funding. At 20K is Virtual Tabletop support for various systems, and at 25K is a gorgeous GM screen for backers in the Eldertech tier or higher! Later on in the plan there are even more extra goodies!  

In the meantime, keep an eye out for ways to get involved in the growing community, starting with our official Discord server at This rapid success is proof the universe we have created has potential, and by backing us you have made it available for everyone to enjoy.  We're so excited to share more with you. The fun is only beginning.