
Redsky 5e - A Science-Fantasy Total Conversion Book

Created by Solar Studios

A 5e conversion with new sentients, mechanics, monsters, and rich lore. All set inside a science-fantasy worldship. Shipping is not included for all physical items, and will be charged later when the items are ready to ship.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

3 Days Left!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 04:18:35 AM

Just a month ago, the five of us at Solar Studios were getting ready to take a leap of faith. As we've mentioned before, the level of support and enthusiasm we received has been beyond imagining. The amount of new backers has ticked up noticeably in the last few days, and we're closing in on $50,000. For those of you who are new, that's the magical number where we can afford to expand the size of the book by 50%, and we'll be able to deliver you a tome of mechanics and lore that's over 300 pages! See Update 11 for more info.

We're in the home stretch now! If you're already a backer, please let your TTRPG-playing friends know about what we're doing here with Redsky. If you haven't backed yet, check out all the stuff in our book! Elemental alignments, social encounters, Eldertech, and a fresh take on the implementation of 5e await you. Don't forget what we offer at the Eldertech level and above: 12 standees, a GM screen, an Element pin, and custom resin dice in addition to the Redsky Core Book. Plus, backers of all levels will get 3 adventures to run!

Thank you all so much for taking this journey with us. Let's keep pushing, and you'll hear from us again soon!

Here Is A Window Into The Artwork You See, And All That Could Come at $50k
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 09:41:11 PM

Hi everybody! By popular demand, we have asked Matt to write a behind the scenes article walking you through the entire process behind coming up with all of the artwork that you see on the Redsky Kickstarter. You can check it out here.

Matt is a one-man Art Department, and is responsible for the high quality visuals that we take pride in. He has put in hundreds of hours on everything from the logos on the website to the character art for the six species.

He coordinates with artists all over the world for the commissioned scene, environmental, and item pieces. Hopefully this is a window into the type of work you can be sure we will apply to the Redsky Core Book now that we have smashed both art upgrade stretch goals.

Make sure to take a look at the bottom of our Kickstarter page, or on our Teams page of the website. All of the artists that we have collaborated with are listed with links to their Artstation accounts. Some of their finest pieces might still be waiting to be created. If you are involved with a large project, or just have always wanted to see an idea of yours come to life, we strongly recommend reaching out to them and inquiring about their personal rates.

These last few days are the home stretch. For exceeding all our hopes and expectations, you can bet the Art Department is getting a massive boost if we reach $50k. We’ll need it to fill the more than 100+ extra pages of the Core Book Upgrade with a whole new world you’ve helped to create.

Partnership with Shard Tabletop!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 10:47:24 PM

We are now proud to announce that we are partnering up with Shard Tabletop to support Redsky on their Virtual Tabletop platform, in addition to the other VTT platforms. Their 5e-oriented system looks hugely promising, and we're really excited to have our products featured on their marketplace.

"Shard Tabletop is a virtual tabletop, character sheet, and content marketplace dedicated to 5th edition gaming. It's the easiest way to play online with seamless support for PC, tablet, and mobile gaming and content from many of the top 5th edition publishing houses."

A 5e dedicated VTT Platform

In other news, Ken and Alex did a thread Q&A with Dave Davenport at Randomworlds TTRPG!

You can check out the Q&A here. 

Next Stretch Goal: A Much Bigger Book!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 03:22:55 AM

Soon we'll unlock the true potential of Redsky.

Hey backers! I just wanted to say that the team and I at Solar Studios are still overwhelmed with the reception of our first ever Kickstarter. We had confidence in Redsky, but it has been truly remarkable to see the excitement for the project over the past few months! The industry has been amazing as well: thanks again to all the established TTRPG companies big and small that have reached out in support. We have a lot of exciting stuff planned for the final week of the campaign.

Internally, our most anticipated goal is on the horizon: the 50k stretch goal - the core book upgrade. This is the Big Kahuna, or the "Deep One" as a Wakewalker would say. If we surpass $50,000 in funding, we are going to expand the size of the book by at least 100 pages, to a total of 300+. This is not a mechanical expansion. Rather, it will give us far more space to bring you truly into the world of Redsky. The extra pages will be used to describe locations and regions in more detail, tell you about more important characters in the history, and of course provide you with more Eldertech and monsters to enjoy. In summary, a lot more lore and adventure material.

At 50k we will expand the Redsky Core Book by 50%.

Thanks to all of our new fans, what was once a dream is quickly becoming a reality, and we'll be able to make the ultimate version of the book that the Redsky universe deserves!

We have been working on the 200 page version of Redsky for well over a year at this point, and unfortunately, in order to bring you an affordable book, some sacrifices needed to be made in what we could include. Truncating some lore sections to accommodate as much varied and vibrant lore as we possibly could, without sacrificing the overall vision for the setting and mechanics. We already have the lore to fill these extra 100+ pages, but hammering it into the best possible product for all of you is going to take a little more time. We need to procure even more artwork, edit many thousands of words, write thousands more, and combine it all into an excellent layout. We want to tell you all right now: if we pass 50k, we're anticipating that the Redsky Core Book will ship in June 2022 instead of April 2022. While it can feel disappointing, we assure you that the small rescheduling is the best possible thing that could happen to Redsky. We believe 2 months will be just enough time to get all that extra content in top shape. Unfortunately, Kickstarter does not have flexible ship dates for stretch goals, so we have to let you know here, and we will be updating our story as well.

I would also like to clear up that we still expect to ship the Redsky Rules PDF by January 2022. The extra time is only needed for artwork, editing, and layout of the lore. We don't expect it to affect the playtesting schedule, the adventures, or the delivery of the rules at all! You will still be able to play the game sooner rather than later. Just remember that we want to deliver you a book that's truly worth being on your RPG shelf. Redsky is going to be a foundation for a whole universe of adventures and content, and because of you and your generosity, Redsky is going to be the best it can possibly be!

Dice for the Eldertech lovers!
over 3 years ago – Wed, Jun 09, 2021 at 04:09:25 PM

The Dice Have Landed

Hey backers!

We've finally passed 40k! Thanks so much for getting us here!

This stretch goal reward has been highly anticipated: a 7-piece set of custom, sharp edge resin dice made specifically for Redsky. They feature a translucent blue hue and the Eldertech symbol on the d6 and the d20. All Eldertech and Overseer backers will automatically get these dice with their pledge. Hardcover backers that want them can get them as an add-on!

You've made our Kickstarter more successful than we dared to hope. Thank you all so much!

Friends of Our Kickstarter

We've recently become friends with Penny For a Tale, and their Kickstarter for Necrobiotic is in their closing stretch! Taken from their story:

"Necrobiotic is a dark celebration of life where  survival is paramount.  It features unique and emotional art along with a  new card system that will draw your players into our grim future."

66 hours to go to grab the special edition! Check its amazing cover art:

The dead walk among us. It was we who put them back on their feet. This is Necrobiotic.