
Redsky 5e - A Science-Fantasy Total Conversion Book

Created by Solar Studios

A 5e conversion with new sentients, mechanics, monsters, and rich lore. All set inside a science-fantasy worldship. Shipping is not included for all physical items, and will be charged later when the items are ready to ship.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Whew! We had an amazingly successful campaign! What's next?
over 3 years ago – Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 10:01:28 PM

Thanks to all our wonderful backers, we were able to raise over $66,000 for Redsky! We're going to use that money to deliver an amazing Core Book to all of you (not to mention all of the adventures and extra goodies)! But first, there's some housekeeping to do.

Late Pledges

We will be offering the opportunity to late pledge via Backerkit. The store was up after the campaign closed, but will be down as we make some changes to improve clarity and efficiency. It will be restored within a day or two, and anybody who missed the Kickstarter campaign will still be able to jump into the Redsky community!

Preliminary Surveys

We'll be sending out a survey soon via Kickstarter that will help us get the community established. Those that pledged for a physical reward ($50 and up) will be asked for their addresses. Don't worry if you're planning on moving; there will be another survey via Backerkit as we get closer to shipping, and you'll be able to update your address.

Discord Server

One of the questions in that survey will ask you for your Discord username. That will allow us to get you your special role in our server, and the perks that come along with it! If you haven't joined us there yet, you should! It's where we will be engaging with the community most and running our playtests.

Oh, and speaking of playtests...


We'll be running two major playtests before the core rules will be ready to ship. Here is our timeline for the next year:

  • Now - Discord reorganization and updates, playtest signups.
  • Next few weeks - The Jade Feather member section will be established on our website. This is where you can get early access to The Redsky Cycle novel, and later on your free modules and any necessary Virtual Tabletop files and instructions.
  • Late July/Early August - Playtest 1.
  • Late Autumn - Playtest 2 (we may allow streaming Redsky before official launch during this playtest)
  • January 2022 - Redsky Rules will be released along with some of the adventure modules (All backers will get access to the Rules PDF. This is the version without the lore and artwork)
  • April 2022 - Redsky Core Book PDF released (This version is the full 300+ page PDF with lore and artwork)
  • June 2022 - Redsky Core Book ships, along with all deluxe packages
  • After that - Work begins on another Kickstarter for a full campaign adventure book!

Thanks again everybody. You've made all of this possible.

Wow! Over 3k on our last night! Under 10 minutes left!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 04:46:27 AM

Thank you all so much!

If you want to pledge and haven't yet, now is the time! We never could have hope to reach these heights. We'll issue another update soon after the ending of the campaign!

5 People, 1000+ Backers, $60,000+
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 02:58:01 AM

We Succeeded Beyond Expectations! And You Get More Adventures!

We did it! Over 60k raised means we will be creating another 3 small modules in the world of Redsky, for a total of 9 short adventures. All backers will get 6 of them for free, instead of just 3. Can we hit the 75k goal and get the cloth map as well? Crazier things have happened!

This may be our last update before the Kickstarter closes, so thank you all so much. This won't be the last time you see Solar Studios on Kickstarter, too. Which brings me to my next point...

Hidden Stretch Goal: 1000 Backers Means a Full-length Hardcover Campaign

We wanted to do this very badly, and now we can officially commit to it. We will be making a full adventure book, to take you on an extended journey through the world of Redsky. You will be in the loop on our timetable to produce this the moment we've worked out some details. You'll have a lot of Redsky adventures under your belt by then!

One last note: We were hoping to have an official response from Roll20 before the campaign ended. All we can say is that support on their system is highly likely, but cannot be guaranteed.

One Day Left!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 07:16:24 AM

What a Rush! Let's Keep it Going!

We're forever grateful to all our backers who helped us raise almost $7,000 yesterday! We're almost to the 60k stretch goal, which will let us decorate the book with even more artwork as well as releasing an additional 3 adventures for free to all of our backers. That makes a total of 6 free adventures!

We have 24 hours to go, but I think we can make it! If you haven't shared Redsky with your friends yet, please reach out to them! Every new backer will help us make Redsky even better.

Let's have a quick recap! 

Backers at ALL tiers will get:

  • The Redsky Rules PDF
  • 3 free short adventures (6 if we hit 60k)
  • VTT support on multiple platforms, including character sheets, rules, and modules
  • Special roles and access to backer-only areas on our Discord server 
  • Early access to the first of Tyler Gamba's Redsky Cycle novels.
  • Access to The Jade Feather membership area on our website, where you can download all these goodies!

Backing at $50 gets you the hardcover Redsky Core Book, a 300+ page tome which has all the game rules and hundreds more pages of lore and artwork to bring the universe to life. $25 backers get the digital PDF version of the book, and all higher tiers get a PDF as well!

Finally, backing at the $100 Eldertech level or above also gets you:

  • An Enameled Element Pin of your favorite Redsky Element
  • 12 Standees of the Redsky Sentient Species
  • A GM screen with beautiful art
  • A custom set of 7 sharp edged Eldertech polyhedral dice

What Happens Next?

If you're interested in playtesting Redsky 5e, you should join our Discord server. That will be our main community hub going forward. Playtests will be in the late summer and late autumn before our public release of the rules in January. We will also be doing an AMA over on the Discord next week, so that is the place to be if you want a chance to ask us anything! 

Crossing the Rubicon! Upgrading the Core Book to 300+ pages with 48 hours to go!
over 3 years ago – Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 12:48:19 AM

The Core Book Expansion is Official

As of last night, we have crossed the $50,000 threshold. All backers from the Digital Edition up will be getting a PDF or book that's over 300 pages, 50% larger than the original goal! This is the Redsky that we dreamed of: a true codex for the universe with endless potential for creation and adventure. You helped us make it happen. Thank you all!!

Just a reminder, with the core book expansion, we expect that the book will ship in June 2022 instead of April. See Update 11 for more details.

48 Hours to Go!

So what's next on the horizon? We have 2 days to go and we have faith that we can push this even further. If we hit 60k, it will give us the funding for even more gorgeous artwork. More importantly though, we will make 3 additional free adventures for our backers! That's a lot of extra content! And yes, this also applies to the $4 pledge level. 

So if you've been on the fence about Redsky, now is the time. We are a new studio, but we are in this for the long haul. If you're a backer already, please share us with your friends or check out the extras offered at the Eldertech level! 48 hours to go, we're so grateful you've taken this journey with us!

Friends of the Kickstarter

Recently we announced our partnership with Shard Tabletop, and through them we have found another friend with a Kickstarter live right now: Isle of the Dreaded Accursed by Mr. Tarrasque and JVC Parry. Check it out!

"Welcome to the Isle of the Dreaded Accursed! This tier two adventure for the 5th edition of the world's greatest roleplaying game is a collaboration between Mr.Tarrasque, JVC Parry, and Nord Games. It uses content from Ultimate Bestiary: The Dreaded Accursed to bring to life an original adventure created by Mr.Tarrasque and JVC Parry."